Showing posts with label KO mother. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KO mother. Show all posts

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Street Fight Kid KO by Mother's Kick to Face

VIDEO RATED PG13 for Language and Violence

BJJ Street Fighting Kid Knocked Out by a Mothers Kick to Face

This video provides an example of just some of the lessons we warn about in NTS and Nottingham Sword and Shield Security Training. Often Military, Law Enforcement, Security and Bodyguards come to us with some kind of martial arts training, including the currently popular systems of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and wrestling. We encourage such training but advise learning to functionalize those skills and tailor them to the needs of their particular use and context for application.

"It doesn't matter what you know. It only matters what you can do in the time it is needed most."

This is not a discussion of style, rather of how one chooses to use the principles of the style in an overall safety plan. It is a reminder to not get caught up in the limitations how one trains in the dojo, kwoon or dojang (Martial Arts school or gym). Never confuse the mat with real life. Some of the habits we practice on the mat can be dangerous in real life application. Remember the context is more important than the style.

  • Fighting is not self defense.
  • Recreational Martial Arts is not combat.
  • CQC/Hand-to-hand combat (H2H) is not street fighting.
  • DT or Defensive Tactics are not MMA.
  • Bodyguarding (Executive/Close Protection) is not Defensive Tactics

While one may draw upon each of them for developing attributes and skills, they each require modification and training to required standards of use. As we always say, the situation dictates the response. Ones chosen actions are based on the mission, objective and sum of all factors in a given time and space.

Most of today's popular grappling strategies for "fighting" or "street self-defense" promotes a high risk strategy of increasing exposure time to danger. The longer one tangles up with an assailant, in this context, typically to "gain and establish a dominant position", the longer one increases his or her risk in that situation. The lesson is once again a cautionary tale to remember that sportive fighting concepts may be effective in the ring with a referee, rules and a ropes or a cage, but can be very dangerous outside that context.

The moment you involve other variables such as multiple attackers, weaponization and the reality presented by the context of the situation is the moment you need to have combat flexibility. While grappling skills might serve you well, being one dimensional comes with significant risks.

It is not the style of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu or grappling that presents the problem here. It goes equally for all styles-which I prefer to refer to as brands). The problem is the assumption that the one dimensional training strategy often employed in that type of protocol is the correct tactical approach to every situation. It's not about Muay Thai Kickboxing, BJJ, Boxing or any one "style". Why? They are each designed for different uses.

What if instead of a kick she used a:
  • Gun
  • Knife
  • Club, Bat
  • or Tire iron
Being one dimensional and making assumptions violates one of our precepts at Nottingham Sword and Shield Security: Prescription without diagnosis. I learned this principle from Mr. Gavin de Becker while training at his Academy for Protectors. It has become a fundamental pillar concept of NSAS training ever since.

Overly specific advice, usually based on strongly held beliefs and dogmatic opinions or an isolated incident of confirmatory evidence (it worked once in a bar fight or on the mat) can have some nasty consequences. This is just one reason why we place such emphasis on teaching concepts and principles along with problem solving scenario training under stress.

Some might argue that this is why it is so important to train in multiple disciplines, to be "well rounded". While we agree with the idea of cross training, it misses the fundamental point of my comments. Context, not style dictate the response. While cross training can increase options, it is still not necessarily contextual training which forces adaptation in the moment. Style is not why this boy was kicked in the face. It was his tactics, his approach to applying his style that caused him to be kicked in the face. This is why scenario training in like conditions is so critical to modern professional warriors and protectors. Risks like this can happen to anyone who over fixates on the wrong priorities or actions in a violent encounter.

Of course, in this context we can probably safely assume this was a symmetrical, voluntary engagement based on social dominance. Basically, he didn't run away when he could and CHOSE to be in a tribal hierarchical conflict - some misguided effort to prove himself. However, without more background we can only conjecture. For the purposes of this article we will stick to the conceptual lessons reinforced here.

We have thousands of scenarios on tape from over 20+ years of conducting tactical training events. Additionally, our research of actual attacks, violent encounters and interviews reinforce the lessons of violence. Interestingly, it reveals the overwhelming lack of importance of style and the critical importance of mindset, adaptation, stress management and regular, updated training, or at minimum being pro-active and creating an injury.

That is not to impune martial arts training on any level. In fact, we recommend that all professional protectors study martial arts as a piece of the tactical readiness matrix. However, the skills must be translated and functionalized, put in proper context and trained for application in a tactical professional's given field. Taekwondo, Karate, Hapkido, Hwarang Do, Kung Fu, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Jeet Kune Do, Boxing, BJJ....We would advocate that one's instructor and work ethic are more important than style.

When I first began martial arts I remember one wise Master telling me that the ignorant discuss who would beat whom in a fight (eg Bruce Lee versus Chuck Norris), the uninitiated chatter on and on about style and those who "get it", the wise, are busy training and open to learn from anyone.

  • The fool (ignorant): Discusses who would beat whom- Jackie Chan vs Jet Li
  • The uniformed: Talks about which martial arts style would defeat another fighting style
  • The uninitiated: Defends the style they believe they understand or practice
  • The wise: Busy training and can learn from anyone "There are no superior martial arts, only martial artists."
"Train as you fight."