Thursday, April 22, 2010

UFC Fighters Experience Marine Corps Martial Arts (Combatives CQC H2H)

UFC Fighters Experience Marines Corps Martial Arts (Combatives)

This one made my heart happy and proud to be an American.  

Many are claiming to teach Military Hand to Hand Close Quarters Combat.  Some claim to have the best methods, proven systems and the like.  We invite you to take the NTS Evaluation for objective feedback and analysis or the Gauntlet Challenge.

THE NTS GAUNTLET CHALLENGE: Our offer stands to take two like candidates, put one through our training and one with anyone else. Then, have an objective third party test the results from a live, full-speed, full-contact scenario.  We'll stake our reputation on the results. 

Mission Specific Context Driven Training Solutions

Monday, April 19, 2010


April 19, 2010 by John Nottingham, EPS


Best Selling Author of THE GIFT OF FEAR    

My teacher Gavin de Becker appeared on OPRAH recently sharing life saving advice. I cannot offer a higher recommendation for this advice.

“Stay Alive” Expert and Best Selling Author of THE GIFT OF FEAR Gavin de Becker Unveils the New Tool to Keep You Safe

How do you stay safe if your abusive ex has partial custody of the kids? Gavin de Becker’s advice on how to create a safety plan

Gavin de Becker has saved countless lives. Now, he reveals the cutting-edge test that might save you or someone you love.

Teri’s Story
Her ex-husband beat her, stuffed her in a garbage can and left her for dead. Why Gavin de Becker wants you to hear her story.

It’s the online assessment that could save your life. Take Gavin de Becker’s free and anonymous test today.

Protect Your Family
How do you stay safe if your abusive ex has partial custody of the kids? Gavin de Becker on how to create a safety plan.

The Gift of Fear
Gavin’s empowering book shows you how to spot subtle signs of danger before it’s too late

Relationship Red Flags
Bruises aren’t the only sign of a violent relationship. The four red flags Gavin says too many women overlook.

1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

Nottingham Sword & Shield Security provides on or off site training. Unique Security Services and Self Defense Training nationwide including Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Cave Creek, Phoenix Arizona areas. This information provided in cooperation with: John Nottingham’s USA Martial Arts Scottsdale PV Phoenix, Nottingham Sword&Shield; Security and Hit Like a Girl Self Defense Personal Security Training 
JKD Concepts PFS Progressive Fighting Systems “Filthy MMA”

John Nottingham, EPS is a graduate of Bodyguard Training International / USA Bodyguards. He was trained at Gavin De Becker Academy for Protectors and in Advanced Threat Assessment and Management. A Sixth Degree multiple Black Belt holder he served in a Special Forces Airborne reserve unit as a Military Intelligence Analyst. He is the founder of Nottingham Training Systems, Nottingham Security and the USA Martial Arts chain of schools.
The Firm
NTS Nottingham Training Systems is a public and private sector consulting and training firm specializing in developing mission specific solutions for first responders, law enforcement, military, security and civilians.
Nottingham Sword&Shield Security is the Protective Division of LCI Inc. which provides security strategies and solutions to public and private clientele. Nottingham Security serves and advises media figures, corporations, government agencies, police departments, universities, and at risk persons of situations that might escalate to violence. Nottingham Security’s capabilities include: individual, executive, family, children, event and mobile high and low profile protective services.

MOSAIC: The Tool That Could Save Your Life or Those You Love

By John Nottingham, EPS Founder NSAS, NTS, USA Martial Arts
If you believe you or another person is in danger right now, contact police immediately.

MOSAIC: The Tool That Could Save Your Life
Source: The Oprah Winfrey Show | April 15, 2010
According to security expert Gavin de Becker, a woman dies every four hours in the United States at the hands of her boyfriend or spouse. Gavin also says these crimes are often predictable and preventable.
To combat domestic violence, Gavin has developed a potentially lifesaving tool called MOSAIC. This online assessment is free and protects the user’s identity.
Anyone—the victim or concerned loved ones—can log onto the website and answer 46 questions to determine how much of a threat an abuser poses to an individual or family. “MOSAIC expresses its results on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most likely to escalate—including homicide,” Gavin says.
The technology is based on similar programs used to protect congressmen and Supreme Court justices. “It takes the factors of a situation and breaks them down and then sees all these pieces of the puzzle and puts it back together in a way that, in a domestic violence situation, a woman can see the picture for the first time.”
Nottingham Training Systems
Advanced Threat Assessment
Tactical Training
Reality Based Self Defense
Personal Protection
Executive Protection
Physical Security
Security Site Surveys
Background Investigations